Technical data


Length Breath Height Weight
12” X 8” X 5” 14.000 KGS
12” X 6” X 5” 11.000 KGS

6"X 5"

no img

6"X 5"

8"X 5"

8"X 5"

Burning Nil
Availability Through out the year
Pollution Nil
No.of Blocks per sqft 2.4
Mortar 10% USE
Plastering Nil
Damages 0.5% to 1%

Compressive Strength

S. No Reference Dimensions (mm) Area (mm2) Ultimate Compressive Load (kg) Ultimate Compressive Stress (N/mm2)
1 Interlock Fly ash Blocks 300 X 200 X 125 60000 40000 To 48000 6.5 To 7.8
2 Interlock Fly ash Blocks 300 X 150 X 125 45000 19000 To 25000 4.1 To 5.4
3 Solid Blocks 225 X 150 X 100 33750 22500 To 31000 6.5 To 9.0